3.8. Project Options: Titles

Index Pages

Page title - a caption displayed at the top of each index page.
Thumbnail title - caption displayed under each thumbnail.
Thumbnail alternative text - text, which is visible in thumbnail images placeholders while they are loading.

The last two parameters can contain simple text (the same for all thumbnails), or you can use special expressions, which will add individual text for each thumbnail. Here is the list of these expressions:


%etcShortTitle% short title of image (you can specify short title for each image on the page 2. Adding Images)
%etcLongTitle% long title of image (you can specify long title for each image on the page 2. Adding images)
%etcIndexIndex% index page number
%etcIndexCount% total number of index pages
%etcImageIndex% image number
%etcImageCount% total number of images
%etcImageSize% dimensions of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileNameNoExt% file name without extension of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileName% file name of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileSize% file size of the corresponding full-size image

Image Pages

Page Title parameter is used for customizing a caption displayed at the top of each image page.
Image alternative text - text, which is visible in image placeholders while they are loading.

This parameter can contain plain text (the same for all image pages), or you can use special expressions, which will add individual text for each page. Here is the list of these expressions:


%etcShortTitle% short title of image (you can specify short title for each image on the page 2. Adding Images)
%etcLongTitle% long title of image (you can specify long title for each image on the page 2. Adding images)
%etcImageIndex% image number
%etcImageCount% total number of images
%etcImageSize% dimensions of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileNameNoExt% file name without extension of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileName% file name of the corresponding full-size image
%etcImageFileSize% file size of the corresponding full-size image


Next step: 4. Generate image gallery